barry wrote:Really hope the lampposts are temporary I spent all year dodging them from the seats in maginn
I have a terrible feeling that those are not lampposts. I think they must be small floodlights for when members of the public rent the pitch out.
Chalkie I think that could be the reason, it would be costly to use the proper flood lights for private use.
I can't see how those lampposts would floodlight a pitch though. They're not tall enough, and where are the posts to cover the other side/half of the pitch ? Plus - why would you have two lampposts located in from the pitch at the bottom of the steps to the stand if they were all about floodlighting pitches ?
The lamposts in those photos appear to all be located either next to steps or pathways. So my guess is that they're to light the way.
barry wrote:Really hope the lampposts are temporary I spent all year dodging them from the seats in maginn
I have a terrible feeling that those are not lampposts. I think they must be small floodlights for when members of the public rent the pitch out.
Chalkie I think that could be the reason, it would be costly to use the proper flood lights for private use.
No boys, the big floodlights will be used to light the pitch when the public is using it. This will also come at a hire rate obviously per hour. Just have to look at Bishops field, they have massive floodlights and its costs more per hour when there on to when its naturally bright.
Those small lampposts could not light a football pitch, as someone already said, they must be to light the walk ways and the steps. The one right in front of new stand is not needed as there will be already plenty of light there.
Anyone know if this nnew stand is still due to be completed at some stage? Seems to have gone quiet. Is it being left in a way that its easy to add on the 2 wings?
DCFC09 wrote:Anyone know if this nnew stand is still due to be completed at some stage? Seems to have gone quiet. Is it being left in a way that its easy to add on the 2 wings?
There's no Government in Stormont to allocate any funding.
There's no Martin McGuinness to deliver on the ill-judged promise he gave that the rest of the funding for Brandywell would come, even if there was a government..
And there are no Derry politicians with real senior influence in Stormont at the moment, even if a government does reappear.
DCFC09 wrote:Anyone know if this nnew stand is still due to be completed at some stage? Seems to have gone quiet. Is it being left in a way that its easy to add on the 2 wings?
There's no Government in Stormont to allocate any funding.
There's no Martin McGuinness to deliver on the ill-judged promise he gave that the rest of the funding for Brandywell would come, even if there was a government..
And there are no Derry politicians with real senior influence in Stormont at the moment, even if a government does reappear.
also... why are there a set of steps with a hand railing in the middle of nowhere to the side of the newly built stand... Is terracing going to be built between the stand and the steps ?
My mate is a builder on the project and he told me they didn't even dig the foundations for the other two sides of the stand to be added in. I think we can take from that there is no intention of this ever happening
Greengo wrote:also... why are there a set of steps with a hand railing in the middle of nowhere to the side of the newly built stand... Is terracing going to be built between the stand and the steps ?
No idea on terracing - but there appears to be a significant change in levels there. So you'd need to provide a safe way for people to able to navigate it.
Otherwise the council would be getting compo claims from half of Derry for people falling on that slope due to rain, ice, leaves etc
stevebradley wrote:
Otherwise the council would be getting compo claims from half of Derry for people falling on that slope due to rain, ice, leaves etc
Suppose that's one way of getting the crowds back...
To be fair I saw the lamp posts the other day as I drove past and they are mostly to the side of the stand and I don’t think that they are much of a visual obstruction.