Greengo wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:03 pm
stevebradley wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:15 am
Plus we wouldn't have to worry about the risk of issues around the stadium.
Have you ever been to Galliagh, Leafair or Slievemore ? Theres also a home for wayward children on the edge of Templemores grounds and its no nursery school...
The finger of blame is usually pointed at the surrounding area to the Brandywell but there are other parts of our city that leave a lot to be desired...
I'm not getting at you here Steve but those areas I've mentioned above do have their own issues akin to those around the Lone Moor Rd and surrounding areas
I'm afraid I disagree strongly on this for a number of reasons Greengo (we'll ingore the fact I play fotball at the Leafair pitches, so it's hardly an alien part of the world

) :
1) The Brandywell is a rabbit warren, with fairly high density terraced housing packed up close to the stadium, dark laneways running along the back of one side of the ground etc. That makes it a difficult area to 'police' (in the broadest sense of the word), not to mention for parking and traffic. In contrast Templemore literally looks and feels very wide open. How are we going to accomodate 8,000 supporters and all the traffic and parking that involves whern the Brandywell si fully built out? You'd have few issues like that at Templemore (or to a much reduced extent anyway).
2) Templemore Sports Complex is NEAR those areas you mention, but crucially it is not slap bang in the middle of them and tightly surrounded by them. Which is a huge difference. And the main access to the Compy is/would be via Buncrana Road, which is a fairly leafy part of the city really. It's also a road that is due to be dualled at some point (eventually !) with a park and ride facility planned in the area as well. All good for people to get to and from the facility. There is honestly no comparison between the environs of the Brandywell and the Compy.
3) Brandywell Stadium is also surrounded by a load of IRA paraphernalia. I suspect a lot of people just don't even notice it. From large cut out 'IRA' letters on lampposts along the Lone Moor Road, to a volunteer shrine right outside the Southend Stand entrance. All, of which, whether we like it or not, makes it an unwelcoming area for a lot of people. And as NI moves on (painfully) slowly and surely, the fact that our ground isn;t is a negative and something that can be used against us. I cantl think of any Irish League clubs which have a similar situation, for example? There used to be a loyalist mural outsidneSeaview, for example, but it was removed years ago and replaced with a Crusaders-themed one. There is nothing at all like any of that at the Compy. It's essentially neutral territory in how it is presented. There are no flags etc on the Buncrana Road, and I honestly can't remember there ever being (I was born in Shandon Park and lived there for the early part of my life during the Troubles) ?
So the Compy and the Brandywell are just 2 very different areas on essentially all fronts in my view, and I honestly don't see how an objective assessment could conclude otherwise.
Leaving all that aside btw - we still have other fundamental issues with the Brandywell due to the fact that we don't own it e.g. the pitch.